It is our distinct honor, and pleasure, to welcome you to the "XXXII Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics & Materials Science" and to our beautiful city of Ioannina. This year the conference is held from 18 to 21 of September 2016, and is organized by the University of Ioannina at the Conference Center "Carolos Papoulias" within the University Campus.
This is our annual National Conference connecting Greek and foreign scientists together with industry representatives, fostering the interactions within the scientific community of Solid State Physics and Materials Science. Typically more than 200 scientists in the fields of Physics, Engineering, Materials, Chemistry and Biology spread out in Greece, Europe and US participate each year making this a thriving conference for over 3 decades!
Previous conferences were held in Thessaloniki (2015), Heraklion (2014), Athens (2013), Patras (2012), Limassol (2011), Ioannina (2010). The first conference of the series was organized in Thessaloniki in 1982.
We look forward to seeing you in Ioannina!
Lefteris Lidorikis
Christina Lekka
Dimitris Anagnostopoulos
Alexis Douvalis
Giannis Panagiotopoulos
Dimitris Papageorgiou
Dimitris Vlachos